welcome back Jack

Why thank you! I've missed you.

So what have I been doing? Well!!! Here is the run down, with commentary.

Wedding #1 - John and Stacy
Sometimes when I do weddings I lament the fact I don't know them very well. THIS was not that wedding. John and Stacy are awesome and I'm so glad they are together.

CAMP! - Nothing makes my summer like sharing Jesus with 4th through 6th grade children. The highlight of the week was definitely communion. We did something we don't usually do - we made sure to invite the kids to the altar. If they wanted, they could come pray to hear God in their lives. And so many came up it was awesome. Praise be to God! It was a great week. A little pudding, but no one went home and no one was injured - thanks be to God!

Wedding #2 - Neal and Ginny
Actually got to do a Friday wedding...it seemed like because there were so many people involved it was a little chaotic. I also didn't get to be at the rehearsal as I was at communion. Everything went well though.

Connect - This past week I went to Junaluska in North Carolina and led a bible study for an UMVIM event called Connect. Its easy when you've never been a part of an organization to simply dismiss them. I have to admit I have been very disconnected from what the UMVIM crowd does. But I was amazed at how personable they were. These folks have given their lives to Christ and it has taken them all around the world. Of course, some of the participants were from other countries and came for spiritual renewal. All in all, it was real, it was fun, it was real fun. Oh, and Junaluska is beautiful.

With all that said and done, it hasn't been lost of me that the world has been changing behind my back. But I came back from my extraveganza and I need some renewal myself. Eh, its good to be back.
