Onward, Christian Soldiers!

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, 
with the cross of Jesus going on before. 
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe; 
forward into battle, see, his banners go! 

Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, 
with the cross of Jesus going on before.

At the sign of triumph Satan's host doth flee; 
on then, Christian soldiers, on to victory! 
Hell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise; 
brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise. 

Like a mighty army moves the church of God; 
brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod. 
We are not divided, all one body we, 
one in hope and doctrine, one in charity. 


How passionate should Christians be?  Should we be so passionate that we'd give up anything in the name of Jesus?  What if we had to give up our peace?  Or our friends?

It can be easy as Christians to pick your enemies.  Right?  The gays.  The muslims.  Those who aren't like us...pick one.  there are tons.  Since I know who usually reads this blog I'll even add... "those republicans"  ha!

All you do is pick your enemies and work against them.

But Christians are called to more than that.  Aren't we?  Even in turning the other cheek - there is no response in changing the other, there is simply the offering of the self. 


Most of the Old Testament shows a God who is serious about showing how Israel is different.  The word it uses is Holy.  This God is so sure of this difference that the prophets destroy families, call on God's wrath, and remind the Israelites that they have chosen their own curses through their actions.  

Today there are Christians that will press their case.  Their point is one of holiness.  We must set ourselves aside as heirs of the Kingdom.  What is the difference between Christians and the World?  A love of God that will go to whatever lengths it needs to.  Even violence!?

There was a time not too long ago that MOST Christians would claim war as one of God's tools.  I want the passion used to cause violence taken and diverted into a passion for God's love.  If someone gets violent, love them.  If I get violent, God forgive me.

I'm not a pacifist.  I'm a Christian.  I'm leaving room for the wrath of God - that means I totally believe there will be conflict.  There will be violence.  There is not a whimpy bone in my body.  But it won't be my call.  I might even contribute to it by turning my other cheek and letting violence continue.  On me, over here.  Onward Christian Soldiers!
