LOST (and found): Movin this party

I've been approved.  Originally I had hoped to post LOST themed devotionals on my blog to feed my need to process the show.  Well, Birmingham Southern College has deemed me worthy of teaching an Explorations Term in January.  So my devotionals will take a bit of a hiatus while I direct my LOST energies towards actually building a curriculum.  Cool huh?  Here is the summary:

LOST: My Religion
Jack Hinnen

ABC’s hit television series, LOST, was a success because it spoke to religious, philosophical, and moral choices people make every day. J.J. Abrams, Jeffrey Lieber, and Damon Lindelof infused LOST with theological struggle and dynamic characters that mirror a lot of the places we find ourselves. This course will explore those themes, characters, and plot and discuss their implications in society and our own lives. Course work will include watching specific relevant episodes across all six seasons to facilitate class discussion, two five page essays (one on a moral dilemma or thematic dichotomy within LOST and the other on plot or myth progression of the show), a 30 minute presentation on a specific character and their religious perspectives, and readings from The Gospel According to LOST by Chris Seay and Lost Humanity: The Mythology and Themes of LOST by Pearson Moore. Students are expected to spend 30 hours a week on work in and out of class and will be provided episodes during and around class times.


  1. Amazing, I would love to take this course! I have read both LOST Humanity and The Gospel According to LOST, both excellent texts written by intelligent and inspiring thinkers and theologians.

    I wrote a term paper about LOST for a seminary course on Post-Modernity for Wycliffe College, an Anglican seminary in Toronto. It may be of interest to you. It's called "LOST: Critique of the Modernist Quest and Prophet of a Better Way" and it explores the philosophical and theological implications of LOST. Let me know your thoughts! http://sacredimperfections.wordpress.com/2010/07/08/lost-a-critique-of-the-modernist-quest-and-prophet-of-a-better-way-part-i/


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